Are you looking for something simple yet beautiful in an intimate setting? Or maybe something a little quieter but super personal, just meant for you and your Hunny? Well, look no further. With Ceremonies by Lori, we offer just that!
I know we’ve all had a pretty trying couple of years. Covid did take a toll on a lot of people’s plans. However, with restrictions being lifted and more people starting to consider actually being outside again, we can now imagine our world almost back to the way it was. We can now see our families again, our friends, our co-workers. We can go to the store and cough and say, “oh hey, no, it’s just allergies… ya know pollen season,” again without getting the crazy looks or stares in aisle 4 at Gerrity’s. We can be in crowds of people and not feel like it’s the end of the world. But the best thing about most of these restrictions being lifted is that we can have weddings again. I don’t know about you, but weddings sure do lift my spirits!
Many people imagine their wedding with all of their family and friends there. Some imagine it just being quiet and personal. Here, you can still have the exact day you want, just in a more intimate setting. At Ceremonies by Lori, we offer you the opportunity to get to know us… We not only want you to feel comfortable at the venue of your choice, but we also want you to feel comfortable with us and who we are as a people. We have a pretty great team made up of some of the most strong-minded, beautifully passionate, non-judgmental, and down-to-earth human beings on this planet. With us, you will never feel discriminated against based on who you love or what you may look like. Here we believe LOVE is LOVE. Here we believe EVERYONE is EQUAL. We want you to be comfortable. We want you to enjoy the day you’ve dreamt of having your whole life.
Like I mentioned earlier, Covid really did take a toll and restricted us all as a community to the point where we don’t even act like a community anymore. Let us be YOUR community. Let us be your support system through the most important day of your life.
Whether you plan for a wedding in early spring, summer, winter, or fall… all you have to do is call, and We’ll come running “respectfully” (to not scare you lol), but we are here to make sure you have the day that you deserve to have. And we are so thrilled that you would even consider letting us be a small part of your joyful celebrations!
So do not hesitate! Book with Ceremonies by Lori today! The weather’s getting nicer, no better time for a wedding! We still have some dates available for 2022 and are booking into 2023 and 2024! We hope to see you all soon!