Why We at Ceremonies by Lori Must Stand Up for Love

At Ceremonies by Lori, we believe that we stand up for love to transform lives and build bridges between communities every day of the year. This core belief drives everything we do, from planning personalized ceremonies to celebrating love in all its beautiful forms. Recently, we made a public invitation for as many people as possible to join us on Sunday, June 23, 2024, at 2 pm for a wedding, vow renewal, or commitment ceremony at PrideFest. This invitation was not just a call to celebrate; it was a stand against hate and bigotry.

Standing Up Against Criticism

In the days leading up to this announcement, I faced some criticism—though “criticism” might be putting it mildly. We received messages and comments from individuals who do not understand the true meaning of Pride and inclusivity. Instead of being disheartened, I felt more determined than ever to show that love conquers all.

Why This Matters

Love is a fundamental human right. It transcends boundaries, cultures, and prejudices. When we stand up for love, we are standing up for equality, respect, and the inherent dignity of every individual. At Ceremonies by Lori, we know that love is not defined by gender, orientation, or societal norms. Love is love, and it deserves to be celebrated openly and proudly.

Our Commitment to the LGBTQ+ Community

The LGBTQ+ community has long faced discrimination and prejudice. By hosting a mass ceremony at PrideFest, we aim to send a clear message: love will always triumph over hate. This event is an opportunity for marriers to declare their commitment in a supportive, inclusive environment. It is also a chance for us to reaffirm our unwavering support for the LGBTQ+ community.

Join Us in Celebrating Love

We invite everyone—whether you’re looking to get married, renew your vows, or make a commitment—to join us at PrideFest. Our ceremonies are free or donation-based, ensuring that love is accessible to all. By participating, you are not only celebrating your own love but also standing in solidarity with those who believe in equality and acceptance.

Love Conquers All

At Ceremonies by Lori, we refuse to let hate and bigotry win. We believe in the power of love to bring about change, and we are committed to creating a world where everyone can love freely and openly. Join us on Sunday at 2pm at PrideFest, and let’s show the world that love conquers all.

Thank you for your support and for standing with us in the name of love.

With love and determination,

Lori and the ENTIRE team at Ceremonies By Lori

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